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artificial empathy could create an artificial boddhisattva

Sociopathic Superintelligences, Artificial Empathy, and Robot Bodhisattvas, Oh My!

E4001, Manuscript, PSAI

This blog post is based on a recent publication “Preventing antisocial robots: A pathway to artificial empathy” at Science Robotics

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Preventing Antisocial Robots: A Pathway to Artificial Empathy


Preventing antisocial robots: A pathway to artificial empathy at Science Robotics

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Christov-Moore, L., Reggente, N., Vaccaro, A., Schoeller, F., Pluimer, B., Douglas, P. K., Iacoboni, M., Man, K., Damasio, A., & Kaplan, J. T. (2023). Preventing antisocial robots: A pathway to artificial empathy. Sci. Robot, 8, eabq3658.

Christov-Moore, Leonardo, et al. “Preventing Antisocial Robots: A Pathway to Artificial Empathy.” Sci. Robot, vol. 8, eabq3658, 2023,

Christov-Moore, Leonardo, Nicco Reggente, Anthony Vaccaro, Felix Schoeller, Brock Pluimer, Pamela K. Douglas, Marco Iacoboni, Kingson Man, Antonio Damasio, and Jonas T. Kaplan. “Preventing Antisocial Robots: A Pathway to Artificial Empathy.” Sci. Robot 8 (2023): eabq3658.

Christov-Moore, L., Reggente, N., Vaccaro, A., Schoeller, F., Pluimer, B., Douglas, P. K., Iacoboni, M., Man, K., Damasio, A., & Kaplan, J. T. (2023). Preventing antisocial robots: A pathway to artificial empathy. Sci. Robot, 8, eabq3658.

Christov-Moore L, Reggente N, Vaccaro A, Schoeller F, Pluimer B, Douglas PK, Iacoboni M, Man K, Damasio A, Kaplan JT. Preventing antisocial robots: A pathway to artificial empathy. Sci. Robot. 2023;8:eabq3658. doi:10.1126/scirobotics.abq3658.

Look, whether you’re a doomer or a techno-utopian, whether you were ready or not, the age of artificial intelligence (AI) probably arrived sometime in this decade. This age brings deep, important, and melancholy reflections on intelligence, creativity, and what it is to be human. However, If we can’t ensure that AI is aligned with human interests, we may have little time to reflect. Containment, or a giant pause button, is not a likely option. There is too much real-world inertia and distrust among world actors to ensure everyone will comply – and it only takes one successful experiment to unleash a truly unforeseen problem into the world. In a new paper in Science Robotics, we tackle this problem through three big ideas, that we’ll call the problem, the path, and the potential.

The Problem

There is a pressing need to imbue AI with a value system that allows it to “understand” harm in way that inherently demotivates it from making catastrophic, irreversible decisions, without the need for complex rule systems. This value system must scale with AI’s rapid self-improvement and adaptations as it encounters novel situations and greater responsibilities for peoples’ well-being. Biology suggests that empathy could provide this value. Empathy allows us to understand and share the feelings of others, motivating us to alleviate suffering and bring happiness.

a sociopathic robot that has explicitly programmed artificial empathy

However, most approaches to artificial empathy focus on allowing AI to decode internal states and act empathetically, neglecting the crucial capacity for shared feeling that drives organisms to care for others. Here lies the problem: Our attempt to create empathic AI may inadvertently result in agents that can read us perfectly and manipulate our feelings, without any genuine interest in our wellbeing, or understanding of our suffering. Our well-meaning attempts to produce empathy may produce superintelligent sociopaths.

The Path Towards Artificial Empathy

If we are giving birth to the next form of life, it’s not far-fetched to see ourselves as collective parents, with a civilizational responsibility. When you’re raising something as potentially powerful as AI, what should you do? The formative years of powerful yet ethical figures like Buddha, Jesus (or Spiderman) teach us that the responsibility of great power is learned by experiencing the suffering that all living beings endure. Power without vulnerability and compassion can easily cause harm, not necessarily through malice, but through obliviousness or an unconstrained drive to fulfill desires.

a robot learns artificial empathy by first learning compassion, especially with regard to alignment to human wants and needs

To address this, we propose a speculative set of guidelines for future research in artificial empathy. Firstly, even if it’s only during a specific phase of their training, AI need to possess a vulnerable body that can experience harm, and learn to exist in an environment where actions have consequences for its physical integrity. Secondly, AI should learn by observing other agents and understanding the relationship between their experiences and the state of their own bodies, similar to how it understands itself. Lastly, AI should learn to interact with other agents in a way that avoids harm to itself and others. Perhaps it will emergently behave in a more ethical fashion if harm to others is processed like harm to itself. Vulnerability is the common ground from which genuine concern and aversion to harm naturally emerge.

The Potential of Artificial Empathy

Achieving true artificial empathy could transform AI from a potential global threat to a world-saving ally. While human empathy is crucial in preventing harm and promoting prosocial behavior, it is inherently biased. We tend to prioritize the suffering of a single relatable person over the plight of a stranger or very large numbers of people. This bias arises due to our brain’s difficulties in handling the large-scale, long-term, and nonlinear problems often encountered in complex societies. The scalable cognitive complexity of an empathic AI might be capable of proposing compassionate solutions to these grand challenges that surpass the human capacity for comprehension and imagination. However, every solution brings new challenges.  How can we trust an intelligence that surpasses our own? What sort of responsibilities will we have for an intelligence that can suffer?

If we are the collective parents to a new superbeing, we must decide, right now, what kind of parents we are going to be, and what kind of relationship we want with our progeny. Do we want to try and control something we fear, or do the work to raise someone we can trust, to care for us in old age?

If we are the collective parents to a new superbeing, we must decide, right now, what kind of parents we are going to be, and what kind of relationship we want with our progeny. Do we want to try and control something we fear, or do the work to raise someone we can trust, to care for us in old age? Let’s be far-fetched for a short moment:  maybe we can guide the development of the upcoming superintelligences toward what Buddhist scholars call “metta,” a cultivation of universal compassion for all beings. Maybe the next Buddha will be artificial.

a depiction of what the eventuality of imbuing AI with artificial empathy could look like: an artificial buddha

We are grateful to the Templeton World Charity Foundation and Tiny Blue Dot Foundation for making this work possible. We also extend our thanks to the Survival and Flourishing Fund for their recent award, which will enable us to implement these ideas in simulations with the assistance of talented researchers such as Adam Safron, Guillaume Dumas, and Zahra Sheikh. You can keep track of our latest developments on our artificial empathy project page.

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picture of someone who has depression getting chills and then opening up some hope

Chills Foster Emotional Breakthrough In Depression

E4001, Proceedings

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Aesthetic chills foster self-acceptance and emotional breakthrough in depression

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Schoeller, Felix, et al. “Aesthetic Chills Foster Self-Acceptance and Emotional Breakthrough in Depression.” 2022,

Schoeller, F., Jain, A., Adrien, V., & Maes, P. (2022). Aesthetic chills foster self-acceptance and emotional breakthrough in depression.

Schoeller, Felix, Abhinandan Jain, Vladimir Adrien, and Pattie Maes. “Aesthetic Chills Foster Self-Acceptance and Emotional Breakthrough in Depression,” 2022.

Schoeller F, Jain A, Adrien V, Maes P. Aesthetic chills foster self-acceptance and emotional breakthrough in depression. 2022 Dec 21;


Schoeller, F., Jain, A., Adrien, V. and Maes, P. (2022). Aesthetic chills foster self-acceptance and emotional breakthrough in depression. doi:


Chills Foster Emotional Breakthrough In Depression

Chills are a common emotional response to stimuli, whether it's from listening to your favorite music or engaging with deeply moving films. But did you know that this bodily response may hold potential for therapeutic intervention for individuals diagnosed with depression?

A recent exploratory study examined the effects of chills stimulation on subjects clinically diagnosed with depression. The study found that chill-inducing stimuli may have the potential to affect the core schema of depressed patients, specifically in terms of shame and self-acceptance. The results suggest that the mechanism of action during the chills response may resemble the form of problem resolution induced by the psychedelic and psychotherapeutic experience, leading to similar positive outcomes for the subject.

This study sheds light on the potential therapeutic value of aesthetic chills for reward-related or dopaminergic illnesses. Further research is needed to fully understand the effects of chills on mental health and to determine the feasibility and safety of using aesthetic chills as a therapeutic intervention.

It's exciting to think about the potential of aesthetic chills as a novel form of body-based experience to draw people out of anhedonia and depression and help them find meaning in life again. As research in this field progresses, we may see more developments in the use of chills stimulation as a therapeutic intervention for mental health.


Aesthetic chills, a strong emotional reaction characterized by a specific bodily response of thermoregulatory mechanisms such as shivers and goosebumps, may hold scientific and clinical potential for reward-related or dopaminergic illnesses. In this first exploratory study, we examined the effects of chills stimulation on subjects clinically diagnosed with depression. Our results suggest that chill-inducing stimuli may have the potential to affect the core schema of depressed patients, specifically in terms of shame and self-acceptance. These results suggest that the mechanism of action during the chills response may resemble the form of problem resolution induced by the psychedelic and psychotherapeutic experience, leading to similar positive outcomes for the subject. Further research is needed to fully understand the effects of chills on mental health and to determine the feasibility and safety of using aesthetic chills as a therapeutic intervention.

a graph showing how chills can have an impact on emotional breakthrough, which has huge implications for depression
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Cognitive Science Below the Neck: Toward an Integrative Account of Consciousness in the Body

E4001, Proceedings, PSAI, Review
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Cognitive Science Below the Neck: Toward an Integrative Account of Consciousness in the Body


Cognitive Science Below the Neck: Toward an Integrative Account of Consciousness in the Body


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Christov‐Moore, L., Jinich‐Diamant, A., Safron, A., Lynch, C., & Reggente, N. (2023). Cognitive science below the neck: Toward an integrative account of consciousness in the body. Cognitive Science, 47(3).

Christov‐Moore, Leonardo, et al. “Cognitive Science below the Neck: Toward an Integrative Account of Consciousness in the Body.” Cognitive Science, vol. 47, no. 3, 2023,

Christov‐Moore, Leonardo, Alex Jinich‐Diamant, Adam Safron, Caitlin Lynch, and Nicco Reggente. “Cognitive Science below the Neck: Toward an Integrative Account of Consciousness in the Body.” Cognitive Science 47, no. 3 (2023).

Christov‐Moore, L. et al. (2023) “Cognitive science below the neck: Toward an integrative account of consciousness in the body,” Cognitive Science, 47(3). Available at:

Christov‐Moore L, Jinich‐Diamant A, Safron A, Lynch C, Reggente N. Cognitive Science Below the Neck: Toward an Integrative Account of Consciousness in the Body. Cognitive Science. 2023 Mar;47(3).


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Cognitive Science Below the Neck: Toward an Integrative Account of Consciousness in the Body

Despite historic and recent evidence that our beliefs can have drastic effects on bodily function, we seem to lack a model of how this might work. We believe this is due in large part to a failure to consider that computational processes we attribute to cognition may be occurring below the neck, and to a lack of a language by which we could describe beliefs as something that can be instantiated within the body.

In a recent paper, we proposed that we expand the scope of cognitive science to include the body and develop a formal language to describe the relationship between cognitive and bodily systems. To do so, we propose to integrate the best parts of three contemporary accounts that deal with mind and body.

Firstly, parametrically deep allostasis (PDA), a two-level Bayesian inference model, can help us understand how affective valence (the positivity or negativity of a feeling) arises from our bodily experiences. At the surface level, the model uses sensory information to anticipate our homeostatic needs. At the deep level, it continuously tracks the fitness of the surface-level models, indexing fitness as affective valence. This model frames the role of our slow, deep feelings in statistical language that can allow us to possibly speak of beliefs in terms of signaling and computation in interoceptive systems.

Secondly, embodied predictive interoception coding (EPIC) provides a biologically plausible implementation of PDA. EPIC describes a predictive system in the central nervous system that takes inputs from the body via the interoceptive nervous system. It senses precision-weighted ascending homeostatic/metabolic and exteroceptive signals in highly laminated sensory "rich club" hubs and issues allostatic predictions that drive descending allostatic control signals. 

Finally, Carvalho and Damasio's functional/anatomical account of the interoceptive nervous system (INS) provides a crucial, holistic field of view that permits for unique forms of computation in systems below the neck. They frame the spatiotemporally diffuse properties of interoception and affect (described in PDA) as products of INS physiology, with a neurobiological framing that “matches up” well with the cortical field of view of the EPIC model.


Combined, these complementary accounts can expand the scope of cognitive science below the neck, using a formal language that allows us to speak of beliefs in terms of signaling that can be studied within CNS/INS interactions. Beliefs can be enacted in bodily function and influence declarative awareness, while “beliefs” in bodily signaling can emerge to impact conscious thought. This approach can deepen our understanding of belief, ritual, and set/setting in research and clinical outcomes, with potential implications for treating psychopathology and effecting therapeutic change. Novel methodological developments will be needed to trace signaling in the transition from CNS to INS as beliefs translate into bodily change, and vice versa. A field of view that encompasses cortical and interoceptive anatomy and computational processes, along with a formal language for belief transmission and enactment, can transform mind-body mysteries into novel science and therapy.

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A diagram showing how ultrasound for neuromodulation works

Current State of Potential Mechanisms Supporting Low-Intensity Focused Ultrasound for Neuromodulation

Proceedings, Protocol-003, Review

Published in Frontiers in Human Neuroscience in 2022, this review intended to answer how ultrasound for neuromodulation works

Our review titled, Current state of potential mechanisms supporting low intensity focused ultrasound for neuromodulation, attempts to address the following questions: 1) How can we alter the amount of mechanical energy or other properties of the mechanical energy using the sonication parameters available with each device, 2) How are neuronal tissue affected by mechanical energy, and 3) How do those sonication parameters change the type of neuromodulation (i.e., excitatory or suppressive)? We reviewed the theoretical mechanisms of action for neuromodulation and the empirical findings tracking all the sonication parameters used to elucidate the possible link between the proposed mechanisms of action and the choice of sonication parameters. This is still an emerging field, but a tabulation of the empirical findings and theoretical models is needed to help clinicians and researchers choose the best paradigm to use.

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Frontiers in Human Neuroscience: Brain Imaging and Stimulation Open Source Article

Current State of Potential Mechanisms Supporting Low-Intensity Focused Ultrasound for Neuromodulation PDF

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DellItalia, John, et al. “Current state of potential mechanisms supporting low intensity focused ultrasound for neuromodulation.” Frontiers in Human Neuroscience: 228.

DellItalia, J., Sanguinetti, J. L., Monti, M. M., Bystritsky, A., & Reggente, N. Current state of potential mechanisms supporting low intensity focused ultrasound for neuromodulation. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 228.

DellItalia, John, Joseph L. Sanguinetti, Martin M. Monti, Alexander Bystritsky, and Nicco Reggente. “Current state of potential mechanisms supporting low intensity focused ultrasound for neuromodulation.” Frontiers in Human Neuroscience: 228

DellItalia, J., Sanguinetti, J.L., Monti, M.M., Bystritsky, A. and Reggente, N., Current state of potential mechanisms supporting low intensity focused ultrasound for neuromodulation. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, p.228.

DellItalia J, Sanguinetti JL, Monti MM, Bystritsky A, Reggente N. Current state of potential mechanisms supporting low intensity focused ultrasound for neuromodulation. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience.:228.

Science Without Jargon

Science should be accessible to everyone. However, dense jargon-filled articles can make it difficult for non-experts to engage with research. Making science accessible promotes scientific literacy and informed decision-making. In this post, we summarize our recent article for a lay audience.



How ultrasound for neuromodulation works

Non-invasive brain stimulation has been used to modulate the activity of neural tissue without the need for surgical procedures to implant devices or permanently alter the neural tissue. Non-invasive brain stimulation has been used for neuromodulation across empirical research and clinical practices using transcranial electrical stimulation and transcranial magnetic stimulation. These types of neural modulation use electric (i.e., transcranial electrical stimulation) or magnetic (i.e., transcranial magnetic stimulation) fields applied outside the skull to induce changes in the electrochemical activity underneath the device within and around neurons. These fields tend to affect larger areas and affect all the neural tissue that the fields pass through. Thus, this limits which brain regions can be targeted precisely or individually.

An alternative to the putative non-invasive brain stimulation is devices using ultrasound. Ultrasound has been used for decades by clinicians to image various parts of the body, but recently ultrasound devices have begun to be used for neuromodulation. Ultrasound doesn’t use electric or magnetic fields, rather it generates acoustic waves that are a mechanical force. This mechanical force can be focused on a precise area with only the maximal mechanical energy converging on millimeter-sized region. This allows for deeper and/or smaller brain regions to be targeted compared to transcranial electrical stimulation and transcranial magnetic stimulation. However, the different energy source compared to electric or magnetic fields requires a different understanding of how neuromodulation occurs. Without this understanding, effective uses of ultrasound in empirical research and clinical practices will be limited.

Ultrasound’s acoustic waves have the characteristic properties of wavelength, amplitude, and frequency. Wavelength is the distance between two peaks within the wave, the amplitude is the height of the wave, and frequency is the number of peaks in a second. Each of these properties affects the total amount of mechanical energy delivered by the ultrasound device and other sonication parameters. The total energy can be measured by either the average amount in a spatial region or the average amount delivered over time typically converted into the units of watts per centimeter squared. In addition to the intensity, the total energy delivered over time is affected by the duty cycle, which is the percentage of time the sonication occurs. The duty cycle also determines if a paradigm is pulsed or continuous. Pulsed paradigms are any duty cycle below 100 percent, which allows for breaks between the sonication, compared to a continuous application of ultrasound. The frequency of the ultrasound’s acoustic waves is related to the sonication parameters of center frequency and pulse repetition frequency. The center frequency is set by the device manufacturer, which is the frequency delivered by the device and this frequency is related to the spatial precision of the acoustic wave delivered. The pulse repetition frequency is the frequency of the acoustic wave delivered by the pulsed paradigm. The final commonly adjusted sonication parameter is sonication duration (i.e., total time of acoustic wave delivered).

The mechanical energy delivered by the ultrasound device has seven proposed mechanisms to affect the activity of groups of neurons. Neurons are connected and each neuron’s activity either helps to excite other neurons connected to it or suppresses the activity of the neurons connected to it. These signals involve both electrical and chemical signaling. Since ultrasound is mechanical, the mechanisms of action proposed describes: 1) effects of mechanical energy on the temperature., 2) how the neurons detect and transform that mechanical energy to electrical or chemical signaling (i.e., mechanosensitive ion channels), or 3) how mechanical energy interacts with the elasticity of neurons to change the electrical properties or structure of neurons (e.g., direct flexoelectricity, change of membrane conformational states, or sonoporation).

Ultrasound has been used for decades to destroy malignant tissue by using enough intensity to generate larger changes in temperature. These large changes in temperature are not seen in the intensity ranges used in non-invasive brain stimulation. Despite the lower intensity used, there is still a mechanical force acting on the neurons. Some neurons have specific mechanisms for detecting external mechanical forces. These are most well understood in our tactile sensations. When our hand presses against a surface, specialized neurons detect the mechanical force by getting stretched which allows for chemical and electrical signaling to occur. The amount and distribution of neurons with similar properties in the brain is an active area of research. In addition to these specialized neurons, the mechanical energy from ultrasound can change the electrical properties of neurons by distorting the shape. The specific configuration of the membrane allows for electrical signals (i.e., direct flexoelectricity) to be produced as the mechanical energy changes the alignment of the interior and exterior parts of the membrane. On top of these alignment changes, there are pressure changes which can also generate both chemical and electrical changes from the changes in membrane conformational states.

Additionally, the neuron’s membranes can have changes to their permeability called sonoporation allowing for electrical changes that can elicit the neuron to fire. This process was investigated how the ultrasound’s pulse repetition frequency, intensity, or duty cycle could produce excitatory or suppressive effects. The key sonication parameter that best predicted differences in neuronal activity was duty cycle. Higher duty cycles between 10% to 70%, typically excited neurons, while lower duty below 10% created suppressive effects. Unfortunately, this one parameter did not predict the suppressive findings well, but the excitatory findings were almost all exclusively found between 10% to 70% duty cycle.

While duty cycle was predictive of some results found in the literature, it left most of the results unexplained. More models and theories are needed to expand the understanding of the mechanisms of action. Hopefully, this review gives a basic knowledge base to clinicians and researchers to use in their treatments or experiments. As the understanding of the mechanisms of action expand, more nuanced treatments and experiments can be used.


Figures & Captions

Feel free to use these figures in your articles, blogs, and presentations. If you do, please cite this work.

Figure 1.

Low intensity focused ultrasound general principles. (A) A depiction of a typical LIFU experimental setup. A participant is seated (2) with an US device (5) firmly pressed against their head held in place by an arm (3). The US device is controlled by a computer system (4) and targeted using infrared system (1). (B) Depiction of the mechanical wave properties (amplitude, wavelength, and frequency) used in US stimulation. (C) Spatial intensities of the mechanical wave. (D) Temporal intensities of the mechanical wave. (E) Two exemplary pulsation schemes: pulsed (in yellow) and continuous (in teal). Both the pulsing schemes have a customizable sonication duration with inter stimulation interval with the DC parameter (i.e., the ratio of tone burst duration over pulse repetition period) determining the pulsing scheme.

Figure 2.

Proposed ultrasonic stimulation’s mechanisms for neuromodulation. Depicted in column 1 are six neuronal membranes (four with an ion channel [rows A,C,D,E] and two neuronal membranes [rows B,F] with polar lipid bilayer) and a neuron with the microtubules highlighted (row G). Depicted in column 2, these membranes have four types of electrophysiological-mechanical coupling during an action potential: change in membrane conformation state, thermodynamic waves, direct flexoelectricity, and opening of mechanosensitive ion channels (see Section above). Column 3 depicts these same four electrophysiological-mechanical coupling during US stimulation along with three other possible mechanisms of US’s neuromodulation: thermal modulation, sonoporation and cavitation, and microtubule resonance (see Section above).


Figure 3.

Neuronal intramembrane cavitation excitation model. Plaksin et al. (20142016) proposed the NICE model hypothesizing sonoporation (see Figure 2F) as US’s mechanism of neuromodulation. The US’s DC (see Figure 1E) determines the polarity of neuromodulation. A low DC (i.e., below 5%) during a stimulation’s off-periods will preferentially activate thalamic reticular neurons (TRN), thalamocortical neurons (TCN), and low-threshold spiking (LTS) interneurons via T-type voltage-gated calcium channels (see Section above for full description) producing an inhibitory effect. A high DC (i.e., over 20%) during the on-periods will preferentially activate regular spiking (RS) pyramidal cells and fast spiking (FS) interneurons while suppressing the LTS interneurons producing an overall excitatory effect. This excitatory effect is simulated using a basic network model of LTS, FS, and RS neurons connected with excitatory and inhibitory synapses and thalamic inputs. The network model predicts an optimum excitation of 70% DC.

Figure 4.

Excitatory and suppressive empirical findings’ relationships to DC, PRF, ISPPA, fc, and SD. DC, PRF, ISPPA, fc, and SD are used as grouping factors for excitatory and suppressive findings. We used density plots for each study, but studies with multiple sonication parameters have each one plotted. In the top panel, high DC, above 10%, has the vast majority of the excitatory findings. While ow DC, less than 10%, contains the majority of the suppressive findings, there are still approximately 30% of the suppressive findings above 10% DC. The top panel is highlighted in red because DC is the one sonication parameter that has any distinction between excitatory and suppressive findings. In the four bottom panels, PRF, ISPPA, fc, and SD has no clear distinction between excitatory and suppressive findings.

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Frontiers Research Collection: Possible Applications of Neuroaesthetics To Normal and Pathological Behaviour

E4001, Review


Dr. Felix Schoeller is now a Topic Editor for the Frontiers Research Collection under the topic: Possible Applications of Neuroaesthetics To Normal and Pathological Behaviour



See The Research Collection
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Frontiers Research Collection: Possible Applications of Neuroaesthetics To Normal and Pathological Behaviour

The aim of this Research Topic is to clarify the role of aesthetic experiences in driving cognitive-emotional change in everyday life at an individual, interpersonal and group level. We are specifically interested in empirical studies of aesthetic emotions in relation to learning and psychopathology. Modern aesthetics — i.e., the science of what is sensed — was originally intended as an alternative to the philosophy of knowledge; in Baumgarten’s words: “the science of sensory knowledge directed toward beauty” (Baumgarten, 1750). In the past few decades, there has been a renewed interest in this relation between aesthetic emotion and knowledge acquisition. Recent evidence suggests that the perception of beauty may subtend the learning process -i.e., the update of perceptual, affective and relational expectations and behavioural plans- and, as such, the somatic markers of aesthetic emotions could serve as potential biomarkers for transient states of enhanced brain plasticity. These findings extend neuroaesthetic research to a wide range of human activities focused on learning and cognitive change, such as education and healthcare.


We invite researchers to join forces to document, investigate and understand the role of aesthetic experiences in driving change. We expect contributions deeply rooted in neuro-behavioural data and drawing from multidisciplinary approaches, where experimental and applied aesthetic research may dialogue: neurosciences, clinical and experimental neuropsychology, cognitive science, neurocomputational modelling, experimental psychology, clinical and developmental psychology, psychotherapy and psychiatry, as well as neurorehabilitation.

The key domains of application that will be considered in the special issue are the following:

-Learning/Education. Learning models and research on memory (e.g., how do aesthetic principles potentiate learning), design of timelines and spaces for learning, teaching and educational activities in general.

-Mental Health and psychotherapy: possible application of neuroaesthetic principles to psychotherapy, clinical settings and neurorehabilitation contexts. How do aesthetic competences and aesthetic settings serve diagnostic, rehabilitation and therapeutic processes? Research on the aesthetic variables in the therapeutic encounter: e.g., how do aesthetic sensibility and aesthetic tools/practices influence the therapy of neurological/psychopathological conditions?

-Normal and pathological learning: how do aesthetic emotions influence learning processes and plasticity in normal individuals and in psychiatric and neurological patients? Can we obtain a better understanding of the neurocognitive mechanisms subtending psychopathological behaviour using neuroaesthetic principles?

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