Jezabel May

Junior Research Scientist


In 2022, Jezabel joined IACS as a Research Assistant to support the study, Neuromodulatory Induction of Meditative States. She learned to apply low-intensity focused ultrasound (LIFU) to 3 regions in the brain whose activity has been implicated in meditation. Fascinated by focused ultrasound and driven by curiosity, she has now set out to demystify the pineal gland’s role in meditation. As a Junior Research Scientist for this new project, she is spearheading a study applying FUS to the human pineal gland. Indeed, something that has never been done before!


Pepperdine University, M.A. Psychology


DongHua University Shanghai, China




Multilingualism (German, English, Mandarin, French)


Low-intensity focused ultrasound (LIFU) setup

Your ideal research study

I would love to find out what happens—in meditation—while exciting the pineal gland using ultrasound.

What drew you to consciousness

Meditation. Through my regular practice I became more and more interested in different states of consciousness and the effects of meditation on the mind. When I learned I could study consciousness scientifically I had what one would call a “eureka moment." I am particularly fascinated with the relationship between mind and body, and how they can heal each other.


My dog, travel, trying new foods, reading, cycling, and techno.

Contact Jezabel Directly.